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Academic adoptions of educational institutions for training and certifications for educators and students on–campus.

Admire Tech vision has the pride of being Autodesk Academic Partners and extending its benefits to schools and colleges to conduct training at the classroom level. Our belief in providing quality education, guidance, and real-world insight builds the core strength of all our training. We strive to make classroom training as interactive and hands-on as required, to give students a holistic understanding of applications of technology at the college level and in the industry. We demonstrate the importance of developing professional skills to actually apply institute-level knowledge during internships and in their work, through project-based practical training focusing on industry requirements. With an industry experience of more than 15 years, Blueprints Design brings raw,
first-hand industry knowledge to students, structured to build skill and application in every unique


Autodesk Academic Partner benefits to your Institute

Training with an Autodesk partner means you will be extended all the technical and academic benefits we are granted
1) Autodesk Educational licenses with technical installation support for the institute and students
2) Classroom training scheduled at your institute, with hands-on project-based sessions
3) Autodesk course and project completion certifications for students, and certified examinations for skill validation and badges
4) Quality assured technical course content
5) Training conducted by Autodesk Certified Instructors
6) Direct access to all our faculty for students

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